AO Cycle 8

AO8/Computational Astrophysics

AHEAD 2020 – Announcement of Opportunity/Computational Astrophysics
Opening: 24 September 2024

Dear Colleague:

I am pleased to announce the eight Announcement of Opportunity of AHEAD2020, calling for transnational access proposals in the Computational Astrophysics domain.

The AHEAD2020 (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics) project has been funded under the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Program.  In this AO, we offer access to selected European astronomical institutes and data centres for support computational astrophysics.

Proposals will be peer-reviewed by a specific AHEAD2020 selection panel and ranked according to their merit. The access costs for the selected facility or institute will be covered by AHEAD2020 as well as travel costs and daily allowances for the successful applicants.

Due to specific EU rules the number of days allocated to users not working in a EU or associated country [1] is constrained to be less than 20%.

Disclaimer: In case of unpredictable events causing travel restrictions by laws and regulations by the various national, local, etc. authorities, any TNA visit approved as part of the AHEAD2020 project may suffer cancellations or delays. AHEAD2020 cannot be responsible for such events and the effect of cancellations/delays.

AO8 Calls Opening:                                                    24 September 2024

Submission Deadline:                                                   7 October 2024, 17:00 CET

A summary description of the AHEAD2020 Call follows.

The activities covered in this AO (on-site visits) must be completed by 25 November 2024.

Traveling visitors are expected to be covered by their own travel and health insurances.

Trans-national access to Computational astrophysics
This TNA will provide new opportunities for European researchers to access free of charge complex computational astrophysical simulations, models and tools to simulate, compare, and analyse X-ray and gamma-ray data and support analysis of multi messenger data. It will be of great interest to relatively inexperienced users in small institutes, and to observers that aim to gain new knowledge in computational astrophysics to model their data.

The users will be encouraged while present to join in the usual research activities of the host institution (seminars, discussions of recent techniques and results, updates on current/future space missions and external training opportunities). The latter activities will be particularly important for users from small research centres to ensure they maintain contact with the subject once they return home.

Procedure: Users will submit an application via a web form on this TNA web site which will permit a preference for a particular host institute (allowing for spoken language and detailed scientific requirements). The unit of time for a visit is normally 5 working days (the maximum duration being 10 working days). Iterations between the user and the TNA site contact point will take place by e-mail before the visit to ascertain their experience in computational astrophysics and to refine the requirements and needs of the user for his/her visit, and thus to tailor the tools made available by the TNA site. Remote access is not offered in this call.

Contact: Prof. Marc Audard (email:
Call documents and application:


Luigi Piro
AHEAD2020 Coordinator
Institute of Space Astrophysics and Planetology, INAF

[1] The list of associated countries is provided at this link: